Seismic Shifts | 95 Theses, US Constitution, Revolutionary Wealth
95 Theses… US Constitution….the power of people can change the world. Martin Luther, along with the Founders that drafted and signed the US Constitution, both understood this. 1517 and 1787. 270 years apart… we’re close to another seismic shift.
As I unpack the Tofflers’ last book, Revolutionary Wealth (2006), for a second time, I’m going to share my thinking and discoveries here at Medium. I got to thinking about their last book yesterday when I posted about the seismic shifts that are coming. The Tofflers understood seismic shifts, like the 95 Theses and US Constitution. In their roles as futurists, we can already look back on history and see their futures in our present.
I so wish that Alvin and Heidi Toffler were still with us. I remember vividly the green book on our book shelf downstairs at our home in Worthington, Ohio. Next to the Encyclopedia Britannica collection and above the shelves of National Geographics. Those yellow spined magazines were the reason my dad and mom had come to America. It was printed in Toledo, Ohio at the time. My dad knew ink and printing presses. Ironically, the printing industry that my dad knew so well was impacted by the Future Shock (the green book from 1970) of information technology and desktop publishing. I had joined Apple in 1987, after college, as that future shock started to ripple.
“Wealth does not arise only from fields, factories, offices and machines. And revolutionary wealth is not just about money…. for wealth to be regarded as truly revolutionary, it has to be transformed not just in quantity, but in how it is created, allocated, circulated, spent, saved and invested.” — Revolutionary Wealth, Introduction, 2006